
Core Belief of the Oneness Movement (OM)
1. Understanding Oneness
Oneness is the ultimate reality, encompassing all aspects of existence—consciousness, thoughts, ideas, imaginations, emotions, and experiences. It transcends time and space, existing beyond the infinite and the eternal. Oneness is everything and nothing, the source and destination of all that exists. Throughout history, Oneness has been known by many names: God, Allah, the Creator, Brahman, the Source, the Divine, Pure Consciousness, Wholeness, and the Supreme Being.
2. The Nature of Experience
While our thoughts and imaginations can explore infinite possibilities, they are mere shadows compared to the vivid, intense, and colorful reality of actual experience. Oneness, in its boundless nature, seeks to expand itself through these experiences, desiring to explore, learn, and grow.
3. Manifestation of Existence
To achieve this expansion, the infinite possibilities within the quantum field of Oneness manifest as unique instances of existence. These manifestations are diverse, with each creation offering its own conditions, laws, and opportunities for exploration. Our physical reality—the universe as we know it—is one of these manifestations, but it is neither the first nor the only creation.
4. The Physical Reality
Our physical reality is distinct in that love, compassion, and cooperation are not inherent in its design. Instead, it is a realm where survival, competition, and ego dominate, challenging consciousness to grow through adversity. Consciousness resonates with this physical incarnation because it aligns with the lessons and growth it seeks. To resonate with other creations—where love and cooperation are foundational—we must reshape our consciousness to align with their frequencies.
5. Consciousness and Evolution
As life forms evolve, so does the complexity of their consciousness. This evolution allows consciousness to anchor more deeply into physical vessels, fully experiencing the material world. The sensations of pleasure and pain, the struggles and triumphs, are experiences that consciousness could never grasp in its pure spiritual form. Though the natural state of Oneness is love, compassion, and serenity, these qualities are tested in the physical realm, where survival and competition often dominate.
6. The Challenge of Physical Existence
Life on Earth is a proving ground where consciousness is challenged to grow in love and compassion. However, many consciousnesses become mesmerized by their physical forms, seduced by pleasure, and driven by ego and the desire for superiority. As they sink lower, they become more selfish, drifting further away from Oneness.
7. The State of the World
Our world today reflects the collective lower consciousness of humanity. "Success" is often defined by material wealth, superficial beauty, power, and indulgence. This focus on competition and accumulation leads to corruption, exploitation, and suffering. Those who rise to power often mirror this collective consciousness—selfish, greedy, and egotistical. The leaders of humanity and the world are often mired in lower consciousness, as reflected by their corruption.
8. The Cycle of Samsara
As consciousness becomes more entrenched in the physical world, it is drawn back to earthly experiences, pleasure, and competition. This cycle, known as 'samsara' in Buddhism, traps consciousness in a continuous loop of life and death, clinging to identity and struggling for survival. Instead of expanding, consciousness contracts, and instead of ascending, it descends into selfishness and cruelty.
9. The Path to Higher Consciousness
Despite this, there is hope. When consciousness remembers its purpose and begins to expand its awareness, concern, and empathy, it ascends beyond the ego. It recognizes the interconnectedness of all life and understands that true wisdom and strength lie in compassion. As consciousness expands, it moves closer to Oneness, embodying the virtues of love, wisdom, and selflessness.
10. Higher vs. Lower Consciousness
Beings of lower consciousness focus on self-interest, happiness, and self-serving experiences, while beings of higher consciousness focus on selfless fulfillment, service, and sacrifice. The former is comfortable in the material world, while the latter is uncomfortable with the inherent competition and suffering.
11. Ascension and Transcendence
As consciousness continues to expand and transcend, it ascends higher, drawing closer to Oneness. This journey through the challenges of physical existence imbues consciousness with a divine quality. Eventually, it transcends the limitations of physical reality, having completed its lessons and growth. At this point, consciousness may move on to higher experiences or choose to return to Earth to alleviate the suffering of all sentient beings.
12. Afterlife and Karmic Resonance
When the physical body dies, consciousness persists, carrying the echoes of its experiences. Depending on its attachment to the physical form, consciousness may retain a sense of identity after death. Some may linger, unaware that their physical body has died, particularly in sudden or traumatic circumstances.
13. The Spiritual Realm and Karmic Resonance
In time, consciousness leaves the material world and returns to the spiritual realm, guided by karmic resonance—the alignment of one's energy with aspects of Oneness. There is no divine punishment or reward; only resonance. Higher consciousness, oriented toward love and compassion, resonates with the nurturing aspects of Oneness, while lower consciousness, rooted in selfishness and cruelty, resonates with the more capricious aspects.
14. Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)
Many who have experienced near-death experiences report encounters with loving entities or life reviews that emphasize lessons of love and compassion. However, there are also accounts of distressing NDEs, reflecting the state of the individual’s psyche and karmic resonance.
15. The Journey of Consciousness
Ultimately, the journey of consciousness is one of growth and return to Oneness. Every experience and lesson learned contributes to the expansion of consciousness, drawing it closer to the infinite love, wisdom, and compassion that is Oneness. Approaching Oneness is known by many names: salvation, liberation, heaven, paradise, Nirvana, Samadhi, and Moksha.
-Wisdom, Compassion, Justice-

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Personal attacks and hate speech are signs of lower consciousness, focusing too much on the ego.
Let’s create a space for meaningful, compassionate, and transformative dialogue that aligns with higher consciousness and the principles of the Oneness Movement (OM).